Dachshund Facts

Dachshund dogs, or known as "hot dog dogs" are a loyal companion and a good watchdog. These little dogs were bred 300 years ago in Germany. Their job was to hunt badgers. Their names actually mean "badger hound." Dachshunds actually come in 15 different colors. These colors include black with cream, black with tan, blue with cream, blue with tan, and chocolate with cream. These are just few of the many color options. They actually come in three different sizes also. Their is the mini, which is 11 pounds, the large Dachshund can actually be about to 32 pounds. They also have three different types of fur. They can have smooth haired, long haired and wire-haired. Dachshunds are known to have a long life spam. One, actually lived up to 21 years. However their life span is anywhere between 12 to 16 years. Dachshunds are known to eat a lot. So they need a lot of exercise to stay in good shape. Their short legs and long bodies make it easy for them to get over weight. They are a great watch dog who will bark at anyone. 


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